
Founded by partners who have served as chief legal executives for some of the leading companies in the gaming industry, the attorneys of Reid Rubinstein & Bogatz have the experience and expertise to help new and existing gaming businesses, and the individuals who own, manage and work for them, obtain and maintain the privileged licenses required to conduct business, in Nevada and elsewhere. Drawing on their experience of having appeared before gaming and liquor regulatory authorities in Nevada, throughout the United States and abroad, and having helped develop the legislative and regulatory frameworks under which some of these regulatory bodies operate, the attorneys of Reid Rubinstein & Bogatz have acquired a breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding that uniquely positions them to represent, advise and assist businesses and individuals in all facets of this highly regulated and specialized industry.

  • Gaming Licensing
  • Liquor Licensing
  • Taxation
  • Compliance
  • Transaction Approvals
  • Financing Approvals
  • Restructuring Approvals
  • Disciplinary Proceedings
  • Regulatory and Legislative Solutions
  • Internal Corporate Investigations